Croatian Library of Calgary |
Croatian wattle – CROATIAN Watt.
Books – click here to see Which books we have available to borrowThe reorganization of the library at the Center is coming to an end so that it knows exactly what the library will be able to access in the future and what will be available to potential readers. books will be sorted on the basis of the topics on which they were written. So it will be separate pieces of domestic novels of writers, political records, travel, poetry, children’s Reading lists, religious or ecclesiastical literature, history and Croatian Croats, history of Croatian language books on cities and towns in Croatia, and the Croatian artistic heritage, Croatian costume Handicrafts, various encyclopedias and some books in the field of medicine. warmer now comes the time when most people will move out, but regardless it’s nice to sit in nature and read a valuable and interesting book. True lovers of books read at any time and in any place. |
Library The Library desires to make available to its members – and also to the general community – its resources and facilities, it also desires to become a focal point for the collection and exchange of information Concerning all aspects of Croatian culture. The Library encourages under its aegis annual exhibits of Croatian handicrafts and artworks, and also Attempts to foster a Greater general awareness of the literary ACCOMPLISHMENTS of Croatian writers and the unique characteristics of Croatian culture. The Library was founded in August 1985th and is currently undergoing a vigorous transformation. The Library contains books EXCLUSIVELY in Croatian. The Library is located on the first floor of the Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre Calgary.
Za čitanje tjekom ljetnjih mjeseci preporučila bih sljedeće knjige: Proza Marija Jurić Zagorka – “kontesa Nera” Pavao Pavičić – “Inventura” Ivan Supek – Sve Počinje Iznova” Joza Horvat – “Nepovratan Život” Tin Ujević – “Izabrane Pjesme” Vjencislav Novak – “Pripovjetke” (U Glibu) Nada Klaić – “Medvedgrad i Njegovi Gospodari” Poezija Filip Grabovac – “Cvit Razgovora” Mirko Vidić – “Hram Nade” Jaksa Kušen – “Izabrane Pjesme” Za Djecu Svijet oko Nas I i II (Encilopedije za djecu) Mato Lovrak – “Vlak u Snijegu” Slavko Kolar – “Jurnjava na Motoru” Marcel Pagnol – “Vrijeme Tajni” Knjige o raznim gradovima i mjestima u Hrvatskoj i Bosni i Hercegovini O porijeklu Hrvata Stjepan Krpan – “Gradišćanski Portreti” Priredila Davorka Tomić |
National Library of Croatia, ZagrebVarazdin , CroatiaOsijek , CroatiaBOOKS TO READ Dr Duro Palaić |