Membership and Events
Facilities and Activities
Volunteering and Community Engagement
The Croatian Centre has grown and flourished thanks to the dedication and hard work of generations of Croatians who volunteered their time and efforts in building this space. We remain committed to maintaining the spirit of community and preserving the rich cultural heritage of Croatia for years to come.
CCFFW has partnered with Croatian-owned Burwood Distillery to create a limited edition version of their traditional Croatian Medica (honey) liquer. A portion of every bottle sold will support the folklore groups at the 47th Annual Croatian Folklore Festival in May 2025. Visit burwooddistillery.ca today to purchase your bottle while they last!!!
The Croatian Centre will be co-hosting it’s annual Christmas Party with MSHS & The Croatian Seniors Society on Sunday December 15th at 12:30pm. Not a member? Sign up here.
The Croatian Centre AGM for all active/voting members will be held Sunday February 11th, 2024 at 1:00 pm