Croatian Language Courses


The Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre (CCCC) provides the opportunity to learn Croatian language, or to renew your knowledge of the language.
Croatia is increasingly becoming an attractive tourist destination that is worth a visit because there are countless places worth exploring, rich history and culture to be familiar with, or possibly even a business or investment opportunity.
If you are able to communicate in the native language of any country it makes your stay there more pleasant and enjoyable. 
Croatian language courses are offered for adults and we provide two levels for the course: beginners and intermediate/advanced. The course typically starts at the beginning of October, and ends around May. It is held on Sundays in the library of the Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre in Calgary. 

If you are interested for the course please feel free to contact CCCC directly at 403-250-9821, or you can contact our wonderful Langauage Director, Margareta Gašljević at We hope to see you there!