Croatian Language course

Zato što je veliki interest za učenje Hrvatskog jezika, Hrvatski Centar nastoji da udovolji svima koji su zainteresirani, da ima barem jednom na godinu ponudi kurs za Hrvatski jezik, barem jedno četiri mjeseca bez naplate. Jedina teskoća je pronaći učitejla koji ima znanje ili praksu da uči u ovoj situaciji, gdje nije regularna škola, nego što u kraće vrijeme postići nešto što bi bilo korisno za sve student općenito.

To promote the Croatian language and culture among Croats and Canadians living in Calgary, the Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre will be offering a Croatian Language course that will run once a year. We are currently in the process of organizing this language course beginning October 2013 and it will be offered at no charge. This will be dependent on having enough students enrolled. Because learning the Croatian language is of great interest, we will strive to accommodate all who are interested, however at this time, we are having difficulty finding an instructor who has the knowledge and ability to teach this course offering. We will keep you informed of the status on our website. If you are interested in registering for this course, or would like more information, please contact us by email at or call (403) 923-1245 or (403) 250-1245
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