Category: Blog
Bocce courts Calgary at Croatian Canadian Club Calgary
Bocce courts Calgary at Croatian Canadian Club Calgary were designed and finished, somewhere around 2002, and have attracted big interest in Croatian community; competition was organized every year, and was used starting early October to end of the May. As always, after 10 years, there were a need to renovate the bocce courts,…
Natural Sunscreen in Foods
Cremini Mushrooms • The difference between these popular varieties of mushrooms is just age. The white button mushrooms, those very familiar kitchen staples, are simply the youngest variety. They have been cultivated, too, for that white color and soft texture. In the wild these mushrooms are usually browner. • The portobello is the most mature…
Good reads for summer
I have to every so often put something on our blog, that you may come to see what we got today, enjoy… 1) Protect potatoes Apples emit ethylene gas as they ripen, gas can cause some fruits & vegetables to ripen fast, studies show that it has opposite effect on the starch in potatoes: it…
Croatian Language course
Zato što je veliki interest za učenje Hrvatskog jezika, Hrvatski Centar nastoji da udovolji svima koji su zainteresirani, da ima barem jednom na godinu ponudi kurs za Hrvatski jezik, barem jedno četiri mjeseca bez naplate. Jedina teskoća je pronaći učitejla koji ima znanje ili praksu da uči u ovoj situaciji, gdje nije regularna škola, nego…