About Us

The Croatian Canadian Cultural Centre is a non-profit organization and its work is carried on without purpose of financial gain for its Members. The Croatian Centre operates a facility for community use, charitable and non-profit organizations, various cultural and social groups, senior groups, sports clubs and for the general public. The Croatian Canadian Centre Calgary promotes Croatian Culture and Heritage among Canadians, opening its facilities to the general public with various events. 

The Club offers recreational activities to improve the quality of life for our seniors and youth in the community.  The Centre operates a Library promoting Croatian literature and culture, with various magazines and newspapers for those who speak the Croatian Language.

The Centre also offers different programs, courses and Socail Activities benefiting Members and the public at large. Our Croatian Language class if run by our wonderful teacher, Margareta Gašljević. The Centre offers the space and any materials needed by the teacher as a social program to our community to help those interesting in learning the Croatian language. To learn more about taking our Croatian Language classes you can contact our instructor via email at margareta.gasljevic[at]gmail.com, or see more info here.